Digital Ecosystems: Policies and Projects
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Villa Piccolomini, Via Aurelia Antica 164, Rome (IT)
Objectives of the Workshop
The overall objective of the workshop is to spread the knowledge of the Digital Ecosystems and to
prepare regions in the process of developing a DE strategy. Special emphasis will be given to
discussing how to integrate the DE Concept in politically sound regional innovation strategies.
In particular, the workshop aims :
– To provide in-depth information to local and regional practitioners on current and future EU policy on DE;
– To debate on national and regional innovation policies as positive scenario for the development of digital ecosystems;
– To showcase the results achieved by EU projects on DE;
– To network and enlarge the platform of DEN4DEK to other stakeholders from across the EU.
Description of the Workshop
The event is divided into 2 parts, in-line with the above objectives. After each presentation there
will be time for questions and answers and there will also be opportunities for discussion amongst
participants and the speakers. For more information, please see below for a description of each
part of the event.
Session 1: Innovation policies and digital ecosystems
A presentation of the DEN4DEK Project will be followed by information on present and future
European policies that may support the further development of DE and their implementation at
regional level. Two speeches will introduce a discuss how to integrate digital ecosystems in the
innovation policies implemented at national, regional and local level. A focus on territorial
experiences from Italy, Spain and UK will follow.
Session 2 – Good practices dissemination
The aim of this session is to share experience and disseminate all the necessary knowledge that
allow regions to plan an effective deployment of the Digital Ecosystems. A special attention will be
dedicated to the crucial connection between research experiences and Digital Ecosystems
concrete implementation at local level. EU co-funded projects will showcase the activities and
results achieved so far in the field of digital ecosystems.
EU Institutions, Regional Authorities, experts active in Digital Ecosystems, EU project
The event is aimed at DEN4DEK partners, REDEN members, EU Regions, decision makers and
local authorities, SMEs clusters and the DE Research community.
Please feel free to forward the invitation to stakeholders whom you feel might be interested in
attending the conference.