“It is common knowledge that authoritarian governments censor political and social content in Internet as much as they do in the traditional media.
Mechanisms of online censorship include technical blocking of websites, search result removal, legal take-downs, and induced self-censorship.
Against this background, the IGF defends democratic values that draw upon liberty”
That is why I gave the protesters in favour of platform worker’s rights who ask to ban advertising surveillance, the chance to be heard after they assaulted the stage during the High Level Leaders Panel I was moderating at the Igf conference of the UN in Katowice. The panel, “Creating sustainable value and inclusive society — the role of digital platforms” was meant to discuss freedom of expression, Internet shutdowns, child abuse, cyber-stalking, human rights online.

That’s why I take full responsibility for protecting them from arrest and for asking the technical stuff to stream online what was happening.
At the end there were 800.000 registered online participants at the event and they had the right to know.
As additional resource here is a link of a video posted on Twitter
Should have I stopped them? I don’t think so. Please comment.