Call to contribution for the “2020 FLOSS roadmap”

The 2020 FLOSS roadmap v1 is a document that was collectively elaborated by 31 experts and contributors and published last December. It contains a set of predictions on how the free / libre / open source software ecosystem could evolve over the next ten years, a set of recommendations for public and private bodies on how to encourage its growth and leverage the benefits it can provide to the economy, and a set of in-depth studies on topics such as public policies, technological innovation, uses and employment.

In order to prepare the second edition of the roadmap, which will be published this fall, a call for comments and contributions has been sent on the website. A collaborative text annotation and commenting system has been set up in order to make it easy to everyone to make a contribution to the roadmap.

The roadmap is licensed under Creative Commons (BY-SA).

I hope you won’t mind we didn’t write a full-fledged press release, I can provide additional insight if you have questions. You will find additional information in the “about” section of the website.


Stefane Fermigier
Founder and Chairman, Nuxeo
President, Open Source Interest Group, System@tic Paris Region
Board member, PLOSS open source business cluster

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